The Next 365 Days Review

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The Next 365 Days Review: The third season of 365 days, which features Michele Morrone and Anna Maria Sieklucka, is a chaotic affair from beginning to end.

Many things were affected by the pandemic, but OTT content consumption was the biggest one. The first movie in the romantic thriller trilogy starring Michele Morrone, 365 Days, garnered a sizable fan following during the lockdown, turning the Italian actor into an overnight phenomenon. Despite receiving negative reviews from critics, the story line of Blanka Lipiska’s debut book attracted a sizable audience who were enthralled by the intense drama it featured and actresses like Michele Morrone and Anna Maria Sieklucka.

Like any other business, when the first movie was a success, Netflix promptly authorised the follow-ups. The third season of the trilogy, The Next 365 Days, has now been made available, months after the second series, The Next 365 Days This Day, was released in April. Additionally, the unnecessary third season was cut, as though the filmmakers didn’t want us to forget how dreadfully the second film was made. If there’s one lesson we’ve taken away from these romantic thrillers, it’s to not hold your breath for a deep story or dialogue. Follow the numerous turns that the makers toss your way, but be ready to not be surprised by them.

For those who saw the sequel, the shocking conclusion of The Next 365 Days, in which it appeared that Laura (Anna Maria Sieklucka) was going to pass away, it turns out that she survives, and the story picks up in the third episode with her and Massimo (Michele Morrone) being in separate locations following the difficulties they faced in their relationship in the previous picture.

The threequel begins with Laura (Sieklucka) travelling to Portugal with Olga Magdalena Lamparska to attend the Lagos fashion fair. There, she unexpectedly runs across Nacho’s (Simone Susinna) sister, who convinces her to think about giving him time to explain his side of the story. Nacho makes an effort to widen the gap between Laura and Massimo while they strive to remake their relationship and get back their faith in one another. What remains to be seen is whether Laura will decide at the movie’s climax.

The problem with this teaser poster is that it seems to have the least purpose of the three. Because there isn’t enough content to support a whole movie about Laura’s struggle to decide between Nacho and Massimo, many romantic scenes are inserted into the story. Of fact, these private moments are the franchise’s trademark, and without them, viewers would quickly stop going to the movies. As one might expect given the series, Laura, who is struggling to decide which course to take, even ends up experiencing a dream threesome sequence, as if that would give her the solutions she was looking for.

One of the The Next 365 Days film’s most troubling features is that songs are played nonstop when scenes change, giving the impression that the music is used much more frequently than any conversation. With a two-hour running duration, the movie hardly manages to offer anything redeemable; in fact, it only raises the question of why we are still forced to this complicated love triangle so soon after its disturbing sequel.

However, I will confess that there is one aspect of this movie that I appreciate, and that is the decision of the filmmakers to forgo the third novel’s plot events in favour of coming up with their own conclusion. Given that the movie’s ending is ambiguous and we don’t see Laura’s response when Massimo asks her, “Baby girl, are you back?” The directors decided on this strategy since they anticipated negative reviews for the book’s adaptation.

The Next 365 Days Cast:

  • Michelle Morrone
  • Anna Maria Siekluca

The Next 365 Days Trailer:

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